The third volume of the epic Techromancy Scrolls series, Masquerade, is published!
On December 16, 2016 my eBook, Techromancy Scrolls: Masquerade, was added at Amazon.com! And as I always do, I have print on demand paperbacks available there as well!
This wound up being the longest and I think deepest book I have written to date. When I started the first Techromancy Scrolls book, Adept as a secret side project, I never imagined it would become the most popular book I have written. I loved the epic adventures of Laney and Celeste so much I cwrote the sequel, Soras, to share more of their world and delve deeper into the world of the Mountain Gypsies aw well. It turned the Techromancy Scrolls into a phenomena, as fans went wild for the post apocalyptic world and the Knights of Wexbury. So I shifted my labor of love side project and moved the Techromancy Scrolls books into my rotation of standard releases. In book three, Masquerade, I delve deeper into the characters of Laney, Celeste, and Bexington to give them more depth and character development. And of course introducing a whole cast of new and returning characters.
Like the prior book, I had quite a bit of anxiety over the book, thinking I couldn't keep the magic of the series alive to the same degree and feed my ravenous fans. But again, you super platypus awesome people showed me my fears were baseless, as Masquerade is currently the number three bestseller and climbing.
The book continues to follow follow the adventures of s a simple commoner who became a noble and Knight in Wexbury Keep, Laney Herder, almost three thousand years after a natural disaster wiped out most life on Earth.
Laney Herder finds herself thrust into an adventure not of her choosing as Prince George asks for her assistance, in her role as a Sora of the Mountain Gypsies. She is tasked to uncover a plot to sow unrest between Highland Reach and the Lower Ten realms.
As the shadow of a civil war looms over the lands of Sparo, Laney and Celeste must navigate the twists and turns of a sedition that runs deep through all the realms, orchestrated by a familiar foe.
Can Laney stop the treasonous plan from coming to fruition as she attends the Capitol for the Royal Masquerade?
The next book in the series, Westlands, will be out in mid to late 2017.
I have the the best fans that any author could hope to have! Within a few hours of its release, Masquerade has become the number 3 bestseller in its category and climbing! It is impossible for me to convey just how much I love my readers! I appreciate any feedback, positive or negative. I also accept platypus shaped crackers and milk.
I'd love to hear feedback and discussion from YOU about the characters in Masquerade. I'd love to discuss the story with you!