Wednesday, May 1, 2024

New Urban Fantasy Release! Elfed In New York: Whisperers


Whisperers, the 7th book in my Elfed In New York urban fantasy, romantic comedy series has been published!

On August 28, 2023 my eBook, Elfed In New York: Whisperers, was added at! And as I always do, print on demand paperbacks are also available for your reading consumption!

Twenty one years ago, Evander Laun and Natalia Havashire went on the air throughout the world on almost every news channel simultaneously, to reveal to the human race that Elves walked among us.  It is the most-watched historical event in modern times.


Killishia Renner, Kia, after recently discovering she was an Elf too, along with the rest of the world when she Elfed on live television, still hasn't had time time to catch her breath.

Finally recovered from injuries suffered from her kidnapping, Killishia is able to return to work.  A rash of violent attacks are occurring against her family and the Whisperer Network nodes associated with her family.  It is believed the mole in the International Elf Council is behind it.

Racing to uncover the identity of the mole before more people are hurt, Aelftus Security, and NYPD Detective De Luca pool their resources.  Meanwhile Killishia, true to form, tackles her own investigation, even if it means putting herself in harm's way.


I'm always amazed by my super platypus awesome readers! Whisperers hit the bestseller list of its categories within the first few hours of its release! It simply isn't possible for me to share just how much I super heart the fans of my books! I appreciate any feedback, positive or negative. I also accept coconut alligators in origami suits.

I'd love to hear feedback and discuss the characters in Elfed In New York. I'd enjoy discussing the story with you!

Monday, January 22, 2024

Sparo Rising: Princess of Highland

 The 6th book of the epic Sparo Rising series, Princess of Highland, is published!

On January 21, 2024 my eBook, Sparo Rising: Princess of Highland, was added at! And as I always do, I have print on demand paperbacks available there as well!

Sparo Rising is a spinoff series from the Techromancy Scrolls.  Each book features a standalone story of a different side character from the Techromancy Scrolls that readers wished to hear more about.  This sixth book centers around Shavon Fisher of Solomon, and her rise to power.


Almost three thousand years after an extinction level event on Earth, mankind seeks to regain its former glory, in a new world where magic and technology collide.

Desiree Weaver was taken from the realm of Hell's Gate as a child, losing everything to a Marauder raid, her home, her family, her happiness.

Given a new name, Shavon, she is raised far away from the Burning Desert in Hell's Gate, in the prosperous realm of Solomon upon the Great Sea, by a Fisher couple.

One day, Shavon Fisher's life is changed irrecoverably once again, by a chance meeting of a mysterious woman at Carnival, who would wind up raising Shavon to unimaginable heights as the Crowned Princess of Highland Reach and all the realms of Sparo.


It is always so super platypus awesome to me just how spectacular my readers are! Within the first few hours of its release, Princess of Highland made it onto the bestseller list in its categories! It simply isn't possible for me to show just how much I love the fans of my books! I appreciate any feedback, positive or negative. I also accept semi-corporeal ghost party hats.

I'd love to hear feedback and discussion from YOU about the characters in Princess of Highland. I'd love to discuss the story with you!

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

New Urban Fantasy Release! Coven Tales: Blood and Secrets

Blood and Secrets, is the exciting first book in my new Coven Tales urban fantasy series, complete with with a dash of lesfic romance in modern new ork with Elves and Witches!

On November 25, 2023 my eBook, Facets of April, was added at! And as I always do, print on demand paperbacks and even hardcovers are available for your reading enjoyment as well!

The author, Sonia Laun is a fictional neurodivergent Elf character in my Elfed In New York series who wrote a book called Coven Tales in the novels, so I thought I’d share that story with you.  The universe her book resides in parallels the world of Elfed In New York which Sonia lives in.


Detective Enid Vosh, a Malefica, or Witch, and recent graduate of the NYPD Academy, finds herself embroiled in a homicide case which points to a serial killer in the city.  The victims all wind up being Elves who are hiding in the city as Sapiens, from the International Aelftus Assembly.

Following the twists and turns in the case with her partner, Detective Rashid Sader, with the aid of Enid's own Coven, the venerable Central Park Coven and improbably, a representative of the Elf Assembly, it is a race to find the killer before he strikes again.

Secrets are revealed, including one Enid herself has held her whole life, and a new ally is made.  Caroline Duffy, self made billionaire, takes an interest in Enid that is more than just professional, and Enid finds herself helpless against the beguiling woman.


There aren't any readers more super platypus awesome than you my platy-peeps... you've already put Blood and Secrets on the Amazon bestseller list! I can't tell you how much I appreciate and adore each and every one of you!

As always, I'd like to send a giant thank you out to all of you. And I'd love and appreciate any feedback, positive or negative. I also accept banana pudding tuned to A minor.  I'd love to hear feedback from YOU about the story and characters of Blood and Secrets. I'd be super excited to discuss the story with you!

Monday, October 30, 2023

Shadows of April

Shadows of April, the second book in my new April scifi series, complete with with a dash of lesfic romance and virtual reality, has been published!

On October 27, 2023 my eBook, Facets of April, was added at! And as I always do, print on demand paperbacks are available for your reading enjoyment as well!

A futuristic VR and AR action adventure. This story is going to blow your virtual mind! Shadows of April is like nothing you've experienced before, in a world where the lines between code and reality are blurred!


After the polar ice caps melt in the Thaw, the Corporations take control of the flooded zones and create virtual utopias over the bones of the great cities of the past which rest below the waves.

April Yale and her former college professor, Doctor Adya Konda, go on the run half way across the globe from Greater York, to the Australian Expanse, from the corporations and governments who are hunting for her father.

The technology Doctor Adrian Yale stole from the mega-corporations would change the balance of power in the world if they could get their hands upon it.  April finds herself in a race to her father while the corporations start to wage war against the Expanse, one of the last Free-Zones of the world.

April must hide the truth about herself and the Gemini Protocol while trying to stop the violence.


You are the most platypus awesome readers an author can have... you've already put Facets of April on the Amazon bestseller list! I can't tell you how much I appreciate and adore you all!
As always, I'd like to send a huge thank you out to all of you. And I'd love and appreciate any feedback, positive or negative. I also accept hyper compressed cheese logs for the winter.
I'd love to hear feedback from YOU about the story and characters of Shadows of April. I'd be super excited to discuss the story with you!

Friday, September 1, 2023

New Urban Fantasy Release! Elfed In New York: Mobilized

Mobilized, the 6th book in my Elfed In New York urban fantasy, romantic comedy series has
been published!

On August 28, 2023 my eBook, Elfed In New York: Mobilized, was added at! And as I always do, print on demand paperbacks are also available for your reading consumption!

Twenty one years ago, Evander Laun and Natalia Havashire went on the air throughout the world on almost every news channel simultaneously, to reveal to the human race that Elves walked among us.  It is the most-watched historical event in modern times.


Killishia Renner, Kia, after recently discovering she was an Elf too, along with the rest of the world when she Elfed on live television, still hasn't had time time to catch her breath.

After a successful vote on her proposals in the International Elf Council, Killishia is whisked off to celebrate with Tana Laun and her best friend Lisa for a girls day out, ditching their protective details.  Everything goes pear shaped when Kia is abducted in an alley behind a clothing boutique.

As Tana and the Elf Council search for Killishia, clues point toward the Laramer Bloc of Aelftus hating countries in Africa.  The war between the Bloc and the Aelftus is reignited with a vengeance as the Riicathi lead the charge to liberate their Minya.

The world will never be the same.


I'm always amazed by my super platypus awesome readers! Mobilized hit the bestseller list of its categories within the few hours of its release! It's not possible for me to share just how much I super heart the fans of my books! I appreciate any feedback, positive or negative. I also accept penguin zombies with a lisp.

I'd love to hear feedback and discuss the characters in Elfed In New York. I'd enjoy discussing the story with you!

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Sparo Rising: House of Bexington

 The 5th book of the epic Sparo Rising series, House of Bexington, is published!

On May 26, 2023 my eBook, Sparo Rising: House of Bexington, was added at! And as I always do, I have print on demand paperbacks available there as well!

Sparo Rising is a spinoff series from the Techromancy Scrolls.  Each book features a standalone story of a different side character from the Techromancy Scrolls that readers wished to hear more about.  This fifth book centers around the children of the founder of House Bexington.


Sparo Rising is a spinoff series from the Techromancy Scrolls.  Each book features a standalone story of a different side character from the Techromancy Scrolls that readers wished to hear more about.  This fifth book centers around the children of the founder of House Bexington.

Almost three thousand years after an extinction level event on Earth, mankind seeks to regain its former glory, in a new world where magic and technology collide.

There are few people in the history who have contributed more to the technological rise of Sparo toward parity with the Great Wizards of the Before, than the founder of House Bexington and his twins, Bryony and Bowyn.  In this new age of heroes, they have reawakened many of the wonders from before the Great Impact.

This story follows the twins as they attempt a first that would redefine the way all of Sparo looks at the world as they know it.  Fraught with adventure, peril, and... who is this Arcadian artisan who has caught Bryony's eye?


It is always so super platypus amazing to me just how awesome my readers are! Within the first few hours of its release, House of Bexington made it onto the bestseller list in its categories! It is impossible for me to show just how much I love the fans of my books! I appreciate any feedback, positive or negative. I also accept balloon animal menageries.

I'd love to hear feedback and discussion from YOU about the characters in House of Bexington. I'd love to discuss the story with you!

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Check out Chantz by Tim Rayborn


I thought I'd post about another lesfic author, Tim Rayborn's book,  Chantz

This urban fantasy book has an important lesbian romance in the story.

What's the story about?  Glad you asked.

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Qwyrk can’t get a break. Spring is springing, but she’s stuck breaking up drunken faery fights as Beltane approaches. She really wants to take things to the next level with her possibly-probably-girlfriend Holly, but she keeps coming down with a chronic case of chickening out. 

And now, her best human friend, Jilly Pleeth, has had a rather odd encounter. While attending a concert by her favorite band, the Mystic Wedding Weasels, Jilly was amazed by their enigmatic singer, Chantz. There’s something downright magical about her voice, something so magical that an evil force from outside this world wants her for nefarious reasons. But will Chantz succumb to its lure?

Chantz is the third in a series of four novels about the comic misadventures of a group of misfits at the edge of normal reality in modern northern England, a world of shadows, Nighttime Nasties, eldritch screaming horrors, appalling neo-Shakespearean sonnets, undead corvids, an abundance of verbal sparring, and… Qwyrk is not an elf, all right? They’re just silly!

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Author Pages:

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Author Facebook (Author Page):

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Author Amazon:

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

New Urban Fantasy Release! Elfed In New York: Fugitive

Fugitive, the 5th book in my Elfed In New York urban fantasy, romantic comedy series has
been published!

On April 13, 2023 my eBook, Elfed In New York: Transparency, was added at! And as I always do, print on demand paperbacks are also available for your reading consumption!

Twenty one years ago, Evander Laun and Natalia Havashire went on the air throughout the world on almost every news channel simultaneously, to reveal to the human race that Elves walked among us.  It is the most-watched historical event in modern times.


Killishia Renner, Kia, after recently discovering she was an Elf too, along with the rest of the world when she Elfed on live television, has had a hectic few months with no time to catch her breath.

Word reaches the International Elf Council and the U.S. government, that a fugitive terrorist woman from Ethiopia is suspected of being in New York City, and a formal demand of extradition to the war torn nation that is part of the Laramer Bloc of anti-Elf countries.

Shocking revelations ensue when Killy finds and discovers the shocking truth of it all.

In a desperate bid to get the woman onto Aelftus sovereign soil at Laun Tower for sanctuary, violence ensues in an ambush that throws Manhattan into chaos.  The ramifications of which cause Killishia to come out into the open as a Halfling on WTRL News.


It seems I am constantly in awe of  just how my readers are as awesome as a super powere platypus! Fugitive made it onto the bestseller list of its categories within the few hours of its release! It just isn't possible for me to share just how much I super heart the fans of my books! I appreciate any feedback, positive or negative. I also accept aluminum foil chipmunks battling sailing boats.

I'd love to hear feedback and discuss the characters in Elfed In New York. I'd love to discuss the story with you!

Monday, February 13, 2023

Worldship Files: Contagion

The eighth volume of the epic scifi/paranormal Worldship Files series, Contagion, is published!

On February11, 2023 my eBook, Worldship Files: Contagion, was added at! And as I always do, there are print on demand paperbacks available!

The Worldship Files is taking the world by storm. Humans, Fae, shape shifters, and all manner of paranormals on board a multi-generational vessel on a 10,000 year journey in space. What could go wrong? If you are a fan of my Valkyrie Chronicles, The Bridge, and Urban Fairytales serieses, imagine them all combined in a space adventure.


When the Earth is threatened by a slowly expanding sun, mankind embarks upon a mission to send a mammoth Worldship to settle a new planet across the stars. The preternatural races step out of hiding to work with the humans to save what they can from their dying world.  With the aid of the Fae, shape shifters, Vampires, and other creatures of supernatural lore, the Worldship, Leviathan, is complete one thousand years later.

It is a time of celebration on the Worldship, and Knith and her growing circle of family and friends are enjoying the holiday at House Shade.  Knith, Aurora, and Caitlyn have to make an appearance at the Capitol celebration, when everything goes awry.

The gifting ceremony is interrupted by a citizen who contracted some sort of alien contagion, and the powers that be find themselves trying to contain the spread of the pathogen while the medical staff, aided by Aurora and Caitlyn, race against time to find a cure.

Then the aliens came...


My readers are the most platypus awesome in the universe, within hours of release you helped to make Contagion the number one book in its category! It simply isn't possible for me to tell my readers just how much I super heart them! I appreciate any feedback, positive or negative. I also accept rice cakes not made of rice. 

I'd love to hear feedback and discussion from YOU about the characters in Contagion. I'd love to discuss the story with you!

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Check out Between the Sacred Stars by Chad Grayson


I thought I'd post about another lesfic author, Chad Grayson's book,  Between the Sacred Stars

The author has the following warning's posted about the book that I thought were appropriate to post: "steamy"

What's the story about?  Glad you asked.

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Journalist Will Corwin and Doctor Amelia Warren have been apart for a month, while Will finishes building the school in honor of Father Morgan, the priest killed by hybrid alien terrorist Nod Corvus. But things get complicated when Amelia’s ex-boyfriend shows up out of
the blue with an offer…he knows where Amelia’s father is—the man they need to find so that

Will and Amelia can adopt Amelia’s younger brother, Jonah-- but what does he want in exchange for the information? What will they be willing to give him?

Thus begins a star-spanning chapter for Will and Amelia. First, they must find Thomas Warren, and serve him notice about the adoption. But what will he require in exchange for his consent? And when they return to Amara, and to the village of Burden, a threat from the past

reaches out to try and destroy Will once more and jeopardizes the entire building project. There’s
also the wedding of Will’s sister Natalie, and her longtime girlfriend, Jada. It’s the event of the
year and will be Amelia and Jonah’s introduction to the life that awaits them as members of
House Sinclair. But dark forces conspire to threaten the wedding, and the lives of all who attend.

Can Will navigate the demands of his family, and find a comfortable place for himself
within it? Will Amelia be welcomed into the society of the Twelve Houses? Can their love
survive the challenges that threaten to tear them apart? When the worst happens, who will be left

Between the Sacred Stars is the book that changes everything. Life for Will and Amelia
will never be the same.

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