This is sort of exciting news for me. This release marks my 100th publication since I started writing back in 2013. I thought it would be fun to write something fun and sarcastic with a wicked twist for the occasion. And since I will be attending the Lilac City Comicon in a few days, something of the superhero persuasion seemed in order. So Emily Monroe was born! What would you do if you lived in a world of super heroes, but you had no power of your own and had the misfortune to look exactly like your city's super hero darling?
On May 8, 2018 my short eBook novella, Emily Monroe is NOT the Chosen One: Night Shift, was added at Amazon.com! And as is my custom, I have print on demand paperbacks available for you as well if you prefer the tactile feel of turning pages!
Night Shift is a tongue in cheek, superhero parody that irreverently pokes fun at superheroes in general. Emily has the misfortune to look like Big City's superhero darling, the Chosen One, so villains come out of the woodwork to try to fight her. Nobody will listen when she tries to thell them that she is not the Chosen One. Super deeds, no cape required.
Emily Monroe may be a lot of things, but one thing is for sure, she is NOT the Chosen One.
Emily is a normal girl working at Big Burger who has the unfortunate luck to look exactly like Big City's superhero darling, the Chosen One.
It has been the bane of her existence as it disrupts her life and those around her when super villains come knocking, wanting to prove their mettle by fighting the Chosen One. Nobody listens when she insists she isn't who they think she is.
With common sense and years of rage built up inside, she usually serves their butts to them on a platter, asking "Did you want fries with that?" No cape required.
Prepare to giggle and snort your way through the book as Emily kicks ass and finds an unexpected love along the way.
You my readers are the most awesome people ever... Night Shift has become the biggest surprise of my writing career as it has outsold every other release I have had in the first couple weeks after release! I heart you all so much!
As always, I'd like to send a gigantic thank you out to all of you. And I'd love and appreciate any feedback, positive or negative. I also accept water-slides made of licorice for my pet platypus, Frank's, platy-pool.
I'd love to hear feedback from YOU about the story and characters of Night Shift. I'd be thrilled to discuss the story with you!