Keeping Time, the second book in the Flotilla spinoff series has been published!
On March 18, 2017 my eBook, Flotilla: Keeping Time, was added at Amazon.com! And as is my tradition, I also have print on demand paperbacks available for your reading pleasure as well!
Flotilla is a a spinoff series of both Music of the Soul and London Harmony. It follows the ever enchanting Paya Doshi and the crew of the Flotilla Project, as they give all of themselves to help out those less fortunate in the London core. Their efforts help those individuals and families to get back on their feet and into flats of their own.
As I always do with my romances, each story is part of the overall series but can be read as standalone books.
Melinda Stafford, an inspector with London’s Office of Historic Preservation is assigned to oversee the renovation of a historic building along the River Thames that the Flotilla Project is converting into living spaces for those in need.
She wasn’t prepared to meet a boiler system mechanic who played into her obsession with all things Victorian. Beatrice Abbott presses all of Melinda’s buttons, being what could be described as a real life Steampunk mechanic.
Bea doesn’t seem to even notice Meli’s physical disability, and the muscular blonde has a unique way of communicating with the people around her.
There are two messages behind this book is that some people can find the most unorthodox ways of communicating that are more effective than simply using words. That goes doubly so for emotions.
The other is that we may view our limitations or physical disability differently than those around us. And when someone see you for who you are, oblivious to what you see as your shortcomings, then grab onto that person with all of your heart.
Once again I am shown just how blessed I am to have such a wonderful group of readers... In only a few hours Keeping Time is moving to the top of the bestseller list in its categories. I gotta say, you are all number one on my list.
As is my custom, I'd like to send a great big thank you to all of you. And that I love and appreciate any feedback, positive or negative. I also accept unbridled unicorn hamsters.
I'd love to hear feedback from YOU about the story and characters of Flotilla: Keeping Time. I'd be stoked to discuss the story with you!