On May 18, 2016 my eBook, Hair of Gold - Just Right, was added at Amazon.com! And as always I always do, I have print on demand paperbacks also available there!
Like the prior book, we hear the story of Goldilocks by proxy, as Parker reads the journal of Katiana (Goldilocks) to the group of Avatars. So we hear the story in Katiana's own words. She is a strong and dangerous woman who's personal motto is "Face my blades... or face my bears!"
This book starts a few months after the events in Let Down Your Hair after the Avatars track Stythe the Trickster down to Alberta Canada. Parker reads from the satchel full of journals from prior Avatars that the Grimm Brothers accidentally left behind. They all sat around Parker in rapt fascination of the amazing tale of Goldilocks and her three bears.
The world has not been kind to Katiana, Goldilocks, as the werewolves robbed her of her family when she was young. She was spared a similar fate by three bears who came to her aid and fought off the wolves.
Kat finds herself in a strange new world after the loss of her family, but finds happiness again with her new family… her new brothers. They raise her to be a strong, independent woman with dangerous fighting skills and the strength of any two men.
A chance meeting with a young woman and her brother finds the one thing her heart had been missing.
Infused with power she never desired, Goldilocks and her companions take on a dark witch and her druid son. The cost of victory may be more than Katiana was willing to pay.
I love how each of the women of this series are strong independent individuals and Katiana is a prime example of that as her strength rivals that of Ella-Marie's. She is balanced by the compassion and snark of a surprising individual who was introduced in the prior book.
My fans are more awesome than anyone elses, and there are no words to properly convey how much I appreciate them! In less than twelve hours from release, you readers catapulted Hair of Gold - Just Right to the #1 book in it's category! As always, I want you all to know how much I love and appreciate any feedback, positive or negative. I also accept mechanical ferrets with cheese graters.
I'd love to hear feedback and discussion from YOU about the characters in Hair of Gold - Just Right. I would really enjoy discussing the story with you!