My fourth book is published!
On June 14, 2013 my eBook, Karaoke Queen, was added at Amazon.com! Print on demand paperbacks are live too! In the first few minutes, copies were already selling!
Now as always, I'll first say a bit about this book before I share the story overview with you. Keeping with the Music of the Soul tradition, the two main characters in this romance are women, you can find it in the "Lesbian Romance" and "General Romance" categories on Amazon.com. Why there needs to be a separate label I have no idea.
This book is the fourth to be set in the same world as Music of the Soul, A Deafening Whisper, and Dating Game so again there are some minor crossovers between places, events and people (We get to see Samantha from A Deafening Whisper as a three year old!). But it is a stand alone novel. You don't have to have read any of the Music of the Soul series books for this story to stand on its own. All the books in the series can be read in any order. This book is more emotional than music of the soul, but not as emotional as A Deafening Whisper, I hope the message that everyone is beautiful for who they are comes through in the story.
In Karaoke Queen, the book is narrated by the main character, Skylar Roth. She was the victim of a horrendous crime and was left with terrible scars, physically and mentally. She was plagued by thoughts of suicide daily. Her daughter Samantha and music became her salvation.
She hid in the shadows of the London Karaoke scene since no band would have her.
She winds up being invited to an international Karaoke competition where she meets a rival, Kim, who shows her no quarter. Continually vexed by Kim, a relationship of respect grows between them. But it there something else going on? Something beautiful?
Once again, I wanted to send a message, that there is beauty in all things, we only need to stop to look to see it... and things are not always as they seem.
I wrote this over a couple weekends (I was lazy) and I published this one the second I completed the editing comments since I am psyched to see the reactions from my readers. As always, it may not be as polished or professional as most, but that's just my writing style. I believe this was a story worth sharing.
Just like the three previous books, I am amazed at how quickly sales are building. I'm looking forward to writing more books in this series, to share stories of strong women accomplishing amazing things.
As always, I would like to let my readers know that I love them and appreciate any feedback, positive or negative.
I keep getting asked about some of the supporting characters, and if I'll share more about them. As always, I'm listening, I am about half way finished with the fifth book in the series "Silent Bob" there will also be a book of short stories about the adventures of Victoria Davenport in England in the coming months. However completion Silent Bob has been put on hold for a month as I complete my first SciFi book in the "Valkyrie Chronicles" series, "Return of the Asgard". A Valkyrie stranded on earth for thousands of years awaits the return of the Asgard.
I'd love to hear feedback and discussion from YOU about the characters in Karaoke Queen. I'd love to discuss the story with you!